
1700 West Big Beaver
Suite 320
Troy, Michigan 48084
(248) 614-1100

Today's actions shape your future -

 "Your vision determines your future", but how can you evaluate  the potential  impact  of today's  decisions? 
Which opportunities will provide the best potential to achieve your vision and how can you measure and evaluate  progress?

Ficast  will  identify important personal resourse management  issues,  test assumptions before taking action and provide an unbiased benchmarking system to monitor and manage progress.

Whether you are a professional service provider acting on behalf of others or a private individual, Ficast allows you to develop a comprehensive vision of where you are, where you are going and delivers the reporting you need to be confident that your vision will be achieved.

Ficast maintains a powerful and secure data management system that oversees and integrates every aspect of your personal resources.

Ficast is one continuous process, holistic, unbiased and, for fiduciaries, EPIC compliant.   The process is clear, logical and easy to understand.  The resulting forecasts and associated reports are yours alone. 

The long-term power of the Ficast process is its ability to help you monitor the results of your decisions, using periodic comprehensive reports to measure and manage your progress.